Normally I don't pay attention to the popular handbags everyone is carrying. Not because I don't like fashion, but I find it boring when every fashionista carries the same bag. Don't you like variety in your wardrobe? Do you really want to carry the exact handbag as three of your BFF's? Some people do and that is their choice. I don't begrudge them. I see the allure of an 'It' bag and why fashionables are drawn to them. Often I am even drawn to them. Not often, but sometimes. The world of fashion often evolves at a very fast pace while still maintaining a sense of the past and craftsmanship.
I love PLIA Designs. They are a line that makes a beautiful range of designer handbags, leather goods, satchels, and purses. Also they design some of the cutest designer iPhone cases I have ever seen. Their range of satchels has reached an almost cult-like status. Style stars are captured with their PLIA Designs satchels. So are bloggers, editors, and Instagrammers. Editors especially love their PLIA satchels. They carry them to work, use as travel bags, and even carry them for travel. I have been to many fashion shows where all of the editors are carrying PLIA Designs designer handbags. After seeing these satchels over and over, I caved and purchased one.
Let me tell you, I now see why this bag has turned into such an 'It' bag. PLIA Designs courier satchels have a timeless allure. They are individually handcrafted by their full time leather craftsman. When I took my new PLIA Designs handbag from the box, I was totally blown away. I couldn't believe the quality. The leather is beyond beautiful. I could tell that it was handcrafted. I had gone down the 'It' bag road and there was no going back. Not with a new handbag like this.
PLIA Designs courier satchels come in three sizes. Their original size is their largest. It is the size I ordered. It's an amazing handbag that is incredibly roomy. Yet even when you stuff nearly all of your life inside, it's still not heavy. And what I love is it fits my laptop. Not only does it fit my laptop inside, but it also protects it. It's one of those gorgeous designer handbags that will never go out of style. The second size is called the small Reid satchel and finally the third size is called the Pixie. The Pixie has yet to be released, but I will be purchasing one once it is. I can't believe I've fallen for an 'It' bag, but I have!