Thursday, August 28, 2014

Macaron iPhone Cases

I'm an Instagram junkie.  I don't have time to read long drawn out style blogs anymore nor do I want to.  Many of us are developing shorter attention spans, especially online.  We are busy with our lives and we want fast updates without having to read lengthy reviews or blog posts.  Blogs are almost outdated these days.  And most of the time they write and promote products their advertisers carry.  Those aren't really fair reviews, are they?  If you go to any style blog, you will notice most of the handbags and leather goods are found on the sites from their advertisers.  Most of the links take you to the product on their advertisers site.  And you can find out who their advertisers are on their sites because their presence is noticed by their banners.  Usually the banners are at the top of the style blog or to the right side.

I love the honesty and instant updates from Instagram.  And there isn't a huge amount of text to read.  Seriously, who has time to read paragraph after paragraph?  It is much easier and even more pleasant to see a beautiful photograph to pass through your IG feed.  All you have to do is hit the heart button.  And if you desire, you may leave a comment.  But it's not necessary to even leave a comment.  Instagram is probably one of the most used social media platforms.  I rarely hear friends talk about logging onto Facebook anymore.  Conversation usually only centers around Instagram.  When I'm with my friends and colleagues in the fashion world, one of our favorite things to discuss is the vast amount of fashion we see on IG.  Much of it is incredibly great fashion and style.  Instagram now has its own style stars.  Many of these fashionistas don't even have a blog.  They showcase everything from designer handbags, shoes, and even designer iPhone cases.

Style stars on Instagram recently started posting pictures of a wonderful macaron iPhone case.  I started researching this iPhone case because I simply had to have it.  It is made by PLIA Designs.  They are well know for their designer handbags, leather goods, satchels, and purses.  Now they are introducing designer iPhone cases.  PLIA's macaron iPhone case is one of the cutest iPhone cases I have ever seen.  Now just to track and it down and see if its in stock.

I found PLIA Designs' designer iPhone cases online at the companies website.  I immediately ordered 6 of their macaron iPhone cases.  Enough for me, friends in the fashion industry, and family members.  These would make the most amazing gifts.  Thanks to Instagram, I am absolutely in love with PLIA Designs designer iPhone cases.  

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